Every new artist must be wondering how to make money on SoundCloud. This platform is 100% new artists friendly thanks to its simple and effective features. Singers or producers can choose between uploading their works for free and allow users to download the songs, or, put on a buy link with which users can support them. Either way, it can be quite tricky for a beginner to get used to these features. So if you want to make money from your music on SoundCloud, continue to read and find out how to make the first move on this platform.
SoundCloud allows singers to add a link where people can purchase their songs. If the song is already uploaded on platforms like iTunes, Amazon Music or any website that allows artists to sell their work, they can link the address to the song on SoundCloud. Follow these steps to add the buy link and earn money from your art.
- Step 1: Click at the Upload option and upload your song. Fill in all the basic information that you want the public to know about the song. The window should look like this with the basic version of SoundCloud.
Make Money on SoundCloud – step1 - Step 2: Click on the Metadata tab and you will find that SoundCloud demands more information about the song. Like who is the artist, who is the composer, the title of the album or its release date. It is not obligated that you write down all this information, though it is recommendable to fill it in so that you have better control over your profile later. Copy the link of the third-party web where listeners can purchase your song and paste it in the box below Buy-link. This way you have total control over the purchase of the song since it is linked to one store only.
Make Money on SoundCloud – step2 - Step 3: Click Save to upload the song, it is now available to stream online, or SoundCloud’s users can buy the track and have it on their phone all the time.
- Step 4: If you want to make a change to the status of the song or edit any incorrect information, go to the Tracks section in your profile, click at the pencil symbol next to the song, and correct the mistake.
On the other hand, if you are an artist who has released some songs on SoundCloud but you haven’t attached a buy link to the song, you can follow step 4 to implement the song’s condition.
Now, music creators can even earn money thanks to SoundCloud Premier stream counts. But, not everyone is verified to enjoy this new money-making system. To be verified, an artist must have a total count of at least 5000 plays in the previous month. These plays are only counted if they come from these countries: France, Germany, United States, United Kingdom, Canada, Ireland, Australia, The Netherlands, and New Zealand.
Each stream count will earn the singer around 0.0003$. So, if his or her songs are played 1000 times in listed countries, the songs’ creator will make 3$. Therefore, to have a stable earning from SoundCloud, singers must establish a bigger fan base and attract new audiences every day. Working in music is risky and one must go all-in to become successful.
Furthermore, the singer will only receive 55% of the revenue share. In other words, for each 1000$ that the singer makes, SoundCloud will take away from him/her 45% of the earning. However, this revenue share offered by SoundCloud Premier is higher than any other streaming service, including Spotify. Spotify only offers artists 50% of the revenue share.

To earn money from streaming counts, repeat all the steps above and enable the monetization which you can find in the Monetization tab.
There are some tips for newbies to become more popular on this music platform. First, it is crucial to maintain the true style of the artist since this is one of the principal factors that make the artist different from the others. Second, it is smart to interact with the listeners constantly. This action will bring the artist closer to the audiences and make them feel like they are supporting a talented human being, not a machine. Lastly, promotion is the key to reach to the new fans. A solid fan base that doesn’t stop growing will ensure the artist a stable income. But, the loyal fans are the most important audiences that any artist can have. So if you are planning on expending your fan base, don’t forget to show love to both new fans and old fans.
These are the tricks and tips that will help you make income on SoundCloud. Try them out now and prepare for stardom.